Tier 1 School Examples

Examples of Tier 1 Content from Schools

If you are interested in sharing your school's PBIS documents, please email support@midwestpbis.org with the information.

Video Examples from Schools

Video : Expect Respect Game Show

CCSD 93 (IL) uses a game show format to explain:

- S.W.A.T. (Stop, Walk, and Talk)

- what to do when you are told to "Stop" (S.B.L.: Stop, Breathe, & Leave),

and how to use "Stop" effectively

- what to do when you are a bystander to disrespect

- who to respect, and why to respect them

Video: Respect Booster

Video of all-school contest that coincides with PBIS Respect Booster (From Crosby Elementary in Harvard SD 50 in IL).

Video: School Expectations

Crosby Elementary in Harvard SD 50 (IL) has their mascot review School Expectations.

Video: Playground Expectations

Crosby Elementary in Harvard SD 50 (IL) has their mascot rap about Playground Expectations.

Video: Student/Staff Expectations

North Star High School in Lincoln Public Schools (NE) introduces a week of "flipping the table" on student/staff expectation

Video: Specific Feedback

McPhee Elementary School in Lincoln Public Schools (NE) talks about providing specific positive and corrective feedback.

Video: School Expectations

Woodland School District #50 (IL) mascots show ROAR behavior, even when no one is watching.

General PBIS Coaching Tools

This guide includes:

      • An overview of what PBIS is

      • How to be an effective coach and get staff buy in

      • Which data tools to use and why

      • Implementing systems that work

      • Tips for meaningful meetings

      • Ideas for parent involvement

      • Coaching encouragement and resources